Priyanka Chopra’s arrival in Mumbai on Friday was a pleasing shock to all her followers. The actor got here to India to participate in her brother Siddharth Chopra’s wedding festivities. Priyanka was clicked on Friday night wearing a hanging magenta saree as she attended a dinner reception for brother Siddharth and sister-in-law Neelam.
Siddharth and Neelam Upadhyaya are internet hosting a lowkey wedding ceremony celebration and from the images and movies being shared on social media, it appears like they participated in a couple of rituals as they confirmed off their engagement ring. The festivities noticed the attendance of their members of the family. Priyanka’s husband, Nick Jonas, was absent from the festivities.
The brand new couple was additionally seen posing with Priyanka Chopra and Madhu Chopra. Priyanka’s cousin, Mannara too was noticed within the video. Later that day, the couple hosted an intimate reception get together for his or her shut mates.
The marriage festivities kickstarted on Friday, after Priyanka Chopra’s arrival within the nation. The actress accomplished her look with a layered pearl choker and matching pearl earrings. She styled her hair in a free updo with tender curls framing her face.
In a now-viral video, the actress might be seen arriving on the venue together with her shut buddy Tamanna Dutt. After the actress’ arrival, the photographers stationed on the venue started clicking her images and this brought about some commotion between them and PC’s safety personnel. Upon noticing the scenario, the actress gestured in direction of her safety personnel to settle down. She then turned and posed for the photographers.
This marks Priyanka Chopra’s third go to to India this 12 months after her brother’s roka ceremony adopted by Anant Ambani and Radhika Service provider’s wedding ceremony.
In April 2024, Siddharth Chopra had a roka ceremony along with his longtime girlfriend Neelam Upadhyaya. The occasion was attended by Priyanka Chopra, her husband and pop singer Nick Jonas, in addition to their daughter Malti Marie.
On the work entrance, Priyanka Chopra is all set to be seen within the movie The Bluff. She can even be seen in Heads of State, additionally starring Idris Elba and John Cena.
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