Priyanka Chopra appeared gorgeous in a magenta-pink saree at her brother Siddharth’s pre-wedding festivity. She greeted paparazzi for a short second earlier than she entered the venue in Mumbai – WATCH
Priyanka Chopra spent Friday night time in Mumbai attending her brother Siddharth Chopra’s and his fiancé Neelam Upadhyaya’s pre-wedding festivities. The ‘Citadel‘ actor attended the couple’s roka ceremony in April 2024. Priyanka was seen arriving on the occasion location in a video {that a} paparazzo shared on Instagram. She appeared breathtaking in a shimmery magenta-pink saree with an identical shirt. She selected to hold a bag and put on a layered neckpiece. She accentuated the look with a bun as two flicks fell on her face.
She stopped to pose for a couple of footage with the paparazzi on the door as she entered the occasion. She gave the photographers a wave and a smile, however her expression modified to one among shock. She shook her head as properly, then grinned and posed as soon as once more.
Priyanka Chopra Arrives in Magenta Pink Saree – WATCH
Netizens rushed to the remark part to specific their adoration for the actor. Many dropped hearts and fireplace emojis within the remark part. One of many customers wrote, “Giving miss world vibes 2010 period.” One other person mentioned, “Sure she is wanting gorgeous…” The third person mentioned,” Wow, PeeCee is again in India to attend her brother’s wedding ceremony.”
For Priyanka, this present day represented one other priceless household reminiscence. Her brother Siddharth Chopra and his fiancée Neelam Upadhyaya celebrated their roka ceremony in April of 2024. In 2019, Siddharth and Ishita Kumar acquired engaged. The pair had been scheduled to tie the knot in April 2019 and had even had their roka ceremony, which Priyanka attended. The marriage, nevertheless, was referred to as off, and the couple lastly parted methods.
Priyanka and her husband Nick Jonas marked their presence at Anant Ambani and Radhika Service provider’s wedding ceremony in Mumbai final month. She expressed her happiness on the festivities and shared footage from the occasion on Instagram.
On the work entrance, Priyanka Chopra performs a former feminine pirate in Frank E. Flowers’ Nineteenth-century Caribbean movie The Bluff. She may also seem in Ilya Naishuller’s motion comedy Heads of State with John Cena, Idris Elba, and Jack Quaid. Priyanka’s Marathi movie Paani, which is scheduled for a big-screen premiere on October 18, can be a lot anticipated by followers.