BJP candidate Harsh Mahajan on Tuesday received the lone Rajya Sabha seat from Himachal Pradesh, defeating ruling Congress candidate Abhishek Manu Singhvi. The winner was determined by draw of heaps after the competition was tied at 34-34 votes.
The Congress, which has 40 MLAs within the 68-member Himachal Meeting and the assist three unbiased MLAs, misplaced the Rajya Sabha polls after 9 MLAs cross-voted.
Earlier at the moment, after polling for the Rajya Sabha election ended, Haryana Chief Minister and Congress chief Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu alleged that five-six Congress MLAs had been taken to Panchkula, accompanied by a convoy of the Haryana police and CRPF.
In the meantime, Chief of the Opposition Jai Ram Thakur stated that Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu ought to resign as Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister on condition that his “MLAs left him simply inside a yr”. The Congress had wrested energy from the BJP, managing a snug victory within the 2022 Himachal Pradesh Meeting election.