Chennai confronted extreme penalties from Cyclone Michaung, with heavy rainfall paralyzing the town resulting from widespread waterlogging. Actor Vishnu Vishal discovered himself stranded in Karapakkam amidst the chaos. The hearth and rescue division performed a profitable operation to rescue him, as illustrated within the shared pictures. Notably, Bollywood star Aamir Khan was additionally a part of the group stranded, emphasizing the magnitude of the state of affairs.
Vishnu Vishal took to X (previously Twitter) to specific gratitude for his rescue from the flood brought on by Cyclone Michaung in Chennai. He shared pictures capturing the rescue efforts, showcasing the usage of boats to navigate the waterlogged areas, with Aamir Khan and Jwala Gutta, Vishnu Vishal’s spouse, additionally seen.
Aamir Khan’s choice to relocate to Chennai in October was pushed by household concerns, significantly his mom’s well being. She was present process therapy in a non-public hospital in Chennai, prompting the actor to be along with her throughout this significant time.
Offering updates on the continued rescue operations, Vishnu Vishal counseled the hearth and rescue division for his or her efforts in aiding stranded people in Karapakkam. He acknowledged the deployment of boats and praised the Tamil Nadu authorities for its immediate and efficient response in these difficult circumstances.
Expressing his gratitude to the executive personnel working tirelessly, Vishal highlighted the numerous rescue efforts, emphasizing the necessity for collective help and help for these affected by the calamity.